74/365 StitchFix

I envisioned a stylish woman looking at racks of clothing at the StitchFix warehouse to match my preferences. My first order left me amazed that she knew exactly what I needed. However, my husband said that a colleague knew someone who helped create the AI for the company that chose my clothes. Personal stylist my foot!

5 thoughts on “74/365 StitchFix

  1. I keep thinking I will try this because I have friends who have been very impressed. But I’m also trying to SWEDISH DEATH CLEAN so it’s a bit of a dilemma.

    • Yes, a dilemma, but for me better than buying a bunch of cheaper, less appropriate clothes and never wearing them. I only hope they wash well.

  2. Pingback: 354/365 A year of less buying | Cedar Waxwing's 365

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