364/365 In appreciation

When Maureen suggested we reconvene for a 365 blogging challenge I was delighted to be included, especially since I’d not finished the original 365 blog challenge from 2007. I missed reading Helen’s words and had fallen so far behind in Bridgett’s regular blog that I could no longer access it. I’d also fallen behind reading Kate’s 153 blog and only occasionally read Susan’s. I think the only blog I’d pretty much kept up on was Linda’s — although I rarely commented there. I was still writing in my blog, but nothing at all interesting except to me.

So thank you, Maureen for suggesting we do this. I am sad it is about to end, but grateful I will have time to read almost everyone’s words elsewhere. Helen, I wish you would consider blogging now and then, because you make me laugh. Kate, Linda, and Susan, I see you on Facebook, but will definitely make more time to read what you write. (Actually it is Google’s fault I stopped reading the blogs regularly because they closed down their RSS feed aggregator that I relied on.) Bridgett, if you still blog somewhere, let me know where and how to read it. Maureen — do you blog somewhere? And Kim  —  I am so happy to have met you through this challenge. I am in awe of your writing. I hope you write more on Root Fences so I can read your words in the future.

As this year ends I wish you all a wonderful next year. May your muses visit you often.

5 thoughts on “364/365 In appreciation

  1. Yes, thank you Maureen–wherever you are!–for suggesting this idea and for inviting me to take part. And I know where to continue reading Mali, Indigo, Susan (I think?), and you, Dona, but I have no idea about the others???

  2. I share your sentiments completely. I have absolutely loved this year, and being part of such an amazing group of women. I’m so glad you have been reading me. Though my writing has been cursory this past year for obvious reasons! I need to keep up more, and I’m about to reorganise my Favourites list in Feedly (where I shifted all my blog feeds) to prioritise you lovely people!

  3. I’m reading this late, as is my wont, but already feeling a sad little hole in my day now that I can’t just pop in on the other blogs to see what is new. I don’t miss it enough to pledge another 365 days…but almost.

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