354/365 A year of less buying

I don’t make resolutions anymore. The last couple of years I made lists of things I wanted to learn. I didn’t get far, and pushed those lists to the next year.

This year I am keeping it simple, although I know it will be difficult at times, since I am an impulse buyer and might use shopping as therapy. I’m planning on not buying anything non-consumable (ie., food, wine, etc). I can still buy gifts for others.

I already wrote about having enough clothes and about my impulse buying habit. I know I must break that habit and hopefully next year is the year to do that.

This means I won’t be getting orders from Amazon several times a month, I will be deleting my Woot.com app, I will be canceling my StitchFix account and sadly, I will be canceling my Powell’s Indiespensibles account.

I’m actually excited about this and hope it works. Otherwise I am doomed!